Jumat, 04 September 2009


Saturday, September 5th, 2009, Assakinah held two activities:

  1. Sponsor the first lecture held by students of HMJM and HMJA FE UMM. The sponsor is in the form of graduation account @ Rp 100.000,- for 5 college students. Major and an amount of cash money. The activity aims to get the college students used to do saving since becoming fresh men.
  2. Giving Ramadhan present from BMM and BMI for 20 Mustahik people. Each had staple foods (sembako) of Rp. 150.000,- and cash . In the ATM SharE, there is Rp. 200.000,- the activity was held at Al Furqon Mosque Jetis Dau Malang. The activity was attended by all Assakinah crews, mosque manager (takmir masjid), Alan as a representative of BMI, Alim as a representative of BMM, participants, and mustahik.