Idhul Adha is defined as qurban holy day which is held every 10 Dzulhijjah. For Moslems who cannot do hajj, they are recommended, according to sunnah to pray Idhul Adha and do qurban afterwards.
The fadhilah of doing qurban is involved in Rasulullah Hadits:
- From Aisyah, Rasulullah states: "There is no other good conduct to be done that is the best on the 10th day of Dzulhijjah, except doing qurban. In the future, the qurban that is slaughtered will be alive again in a perfect condition (fur and the horn), the reward of doing qurban will arrive to Allah before the blood touches the earth and each fur means one good conduct." (HR. Tirmidzi)
- There is no best day for a moslem and more loved by Allah in doing good conduct instead of on the first 10th day of Dzulhijjah. The friends asked: Does it also happen although there is jihad fi sabilillah? He answered, "although jihad fi sabilillah, except if someone goes out for jihad by bringing all he has, then goes back with nothing". (HR. Bukhori, Abu Daud, Ibnu Majah, Tirmidzi)
- For those who have a great fortune but they do not want to do qurban, do not ever get close to our place for praying (sholat) (HR. Ahmad and Ibnu Majah and acknowledged by Al Hakim)
(Source: Sofyan Sofi, LC.)
Related to the big day Idul Adha, 10 Dzulhijjah 1430 H, Assakinah Muamalah celebrates the event by giving qurban of 6 goats with the description as follows:
- 3 goats from: Assakinah Muamalah Probolinggo, Rudhy DC and Alumni of 89 that will be slaughtered on Sunday, 29th of November 2009. Those are given for pedicab driver in Probolinggo.
- goats from: Assakinah Muamalah Malang, Tsabita Khwarazmita and M. Raja Khwarizmi that will be slaughtered on Monday, 30th of November 2009. Those are given for Aisyiyah of Ngantang district.