Minggu, 09 Agustus 2009
The meeting was attended by the committee, the observer, and members of Assakinah Muamalah with the result of:
The reformation of committee because of the tight schedule of committee Dewi Khaiyuma, AmD. She was replaced by Luluk Asmawati, SPd. Dra. Erna Retna R., MM. was replaced by Villaningrum, SE.
The growing and existence of Assakinah Muamalah requires expert team, that is Syaria Council. The Syaria Council is as follows:
Drs. H. Nurul Humaidi, MAg.
Dra. Hj. Romlah, MAg.
Started with an informal chats with some people who have commitment on Islam economy and headed by The Head of Bank Muamalat Indonesia of Malang branch, Juniar, an idea comes out. The idea is to apply Islam Economy in real condition.
The chat has become a more serious discussion since it has been followed up with the building of BMTs using the financial support from BMI of Malang branch. One of the aims of the existence of BMT is to answer the challenge from some pesimistic, even suspicious economic experts towards Islam Finance Institute which has been clearly written in Koran and hadis, also has given examples in a real life oh Muhammad SAW.
In the end of November 2008, Kopsyah Assakinah (Syaria koperasi) together with all BMTs which have alliance with BMT of Malang branch are as follows:
1. BMT A. Yani Mosque of A. Yani Malang - Ika
2. BMT AMMA Pondok Al-Fadholi (Islamic School of Al-Fadholi) Malang - Witri
3. BMT Assa’adah of PBI Malang - Dina
4. BMT Agriseta Unisma Malang - Pak Joni
5. BMT Aura Pasuruan - dr Ghozali
6. BMT Nurul Jadid ponpes (Islamic School) Nurul Jadid Paiton - Haris Siswanto
7. BMT Al Rifa’i Ponpes modern Gondanglegi - Rofiq
8. BMT SWM Dinoyo Market - Rike
9. BMT ABM Blimbing Malang - Ika
10. BMT Taszakka Situbondo
11 BMT Assalam Kepanjen - Indra
have done meeting at BMT Aura Pasuruan to make joint-venture in the name of Alkamil (Alliance of Islam Micro Financial Institute). This Alkamil is koperasi-based law of East Java with the primary activities of capital sharing, education and training, experience and science. In addition to that, Alkamil has to observe the activity and the financial report of all BMT which has alliance.
On June, 2009, in order to strengthen the branding and identity, it is agreed to replace the name of BMT (Baitul maal wat tamwil) into Baitul Syirkah (Associated House). With this new name, a new Baitul Syirkah has joined, that is Tombo Ati Gadang, LPNU Malang, and Radhiyatus Solohin.
With the existence of Alkamil, every Baitul Syirkah has become a family who will always share and struggle to hold up and develop Islam Economy. Each baitul Syirkah has each strength. Assakinah serves Laptop, A. Yani serves motorcycle, Nurul Jahid is a producer and the producer of mineral water...NJ....etc.
The early operational done by Kopsyah is to open unit of financial service business of BMT Assakinah with maal product (comercial) in terms of the financing of murabahah and the financing of Qord. The financign of murabahah has a joint venture with Jihadi, BMT A.Yani, BMT AMMA and BMT Assa'adah as finance server to purchace laptop for elementary teacher of Muhammadiyah IX Malang and tamwil product (social) in terms of the business development for UMKM. The management of the activity is helped by the college students who are doing internship program and doing the thesis. Those are Aristya Eka and Eka Suprihatin.
After having Koperasi (cooperative)-owned legal institution, kopsyah is able to develop operational activity more freely by collecting finance from the third party (DP3) from Bank Muamalat in the form of bailout of hajj and the management of mudharobah finance, LPM Unibraw, students of UMM and the members. With the support of technology in the form of computerized financial system from BMT Al-Rifa'i and BMI, and the support of part timer from UMM, Irwan and Uswah, has become the operational of Kopsyah similar to the one in the bank.
The place movement from the 2nd floor to the 1st floor of GKB I has become the Kopsyah location strategic and enabled more poeople to be served. Thus, Kopsyah has opened a unit of business of Assakinah which serves snack and has a joint-venture with Coca-cola, selling soft drink. Meanwhile, for the students of UMM, Assakinah Muamalah gives a real business guidance with the primary activity of hiring 4 students as a model. The financing model is mudharobah 30:70, each gets the capital of Rp. 250,000,- for credit selling business which is paid each week for 4 months, so that now the capital has become the capital owned by the students themselves. Next, the capital will be increased into Rp. 500,000,-.
The laptop buying in a big number has become Kopsyah Assakinah trusted to be an official agent from Acer products in Malang on June, 2009, so that it results in Kopsyah to be the only producer for Alkamil members.
As the balancing, Assakinah Muamalah also collects and lines Infaq wiht the model of Qordh/good attitude that is the refund of loan of primary value aimed to buy Syamil Koran and medical fund for sick people. The amount of Infaq is limited. It is not balanced with the needs of customer, so that a harder effort is needed to get bigger infaq.
Alhamdulillah, slowly but sure, the existence of Kopsyah starts to get trust. It is shown by wadiah/the saving of fund of Aisyiyah dormitory building, management laboraturium operational fund, and INWID fund (incubation of business entrepreneur) of Animal Husbandry Faculty for funding and guiding the business of students of the faculty.
The big growth of target market forces Kopsyah to make expansion. The first expansion conducted on 23rd of June, 2009 was Probolinggo, characterized by the consideration of alumni of UMM that have given space for Assakinah Muamalah office. as a consequence, Assakinah has given some amount of money that is to be managed with murabahah and mudharabah model.
Assakinah Muamalah is one of units of Economy Assembly of PCA UMM that which is aimed to do economic activity which is based on syaria principle and aimed for member of Aisyiyah, especially, and all employee, lecturers, students, and alumni, generally at UMM.
The working program planned on April 2007 was realized on May 2008 with the early activity of MOU ratification with BMI as the management and information technology guide with the financial support of Qordh (good attitude) and a complete computer. The bulding and the existence of Assakinah Muamalah is not apart from the role and support of Hj. Komariah SH, Mhum, MSi. As a chief, some committee and members of PCA UMM, symphatizer, Rector of UMM, Dr. Muhajir Effendy, MPd. who have given a wide moving space for productive activity, Juniar Endrawanto, SE,. as a Head of BMI Branch in Malang which has brilliant ideas and The Head of Aisyiyah Malang, Rukmini who has allowed the existence of Kopsyah and given name Assakinah.
The name of syaria koperasi (cooperative) Assakinah Muamalah East Java is a combination of koperasi (cooperative) names owned by Aisyiyah and Muamalah coming from Bank Muamalat Indonesia. Jatim (East Java) is a region that can be used as target market in doing expansion in the future. The meaning of Assakinah is love and muamalah is down to earth related to economic activity done by following concepts of Islam.
The hope of Kopsyam now and in the future is to become a financial institute similar to the Bank which is based on syaria, the center of training and internship program for students of UMM as preparation of entering working world, the using of economy of Aisyiyah members and Moslem, and can help 8 asnaf.
In addition to that, it may grow in strategic points in East Java that will be held by using alumni in the region that eventually will create alumni independence.
In order to legalize the Kopsyah, Ningki, as a representative of Provincial Cooperative (Koperasi Propinsi) and Juniar of BMI of Malang branch were invited. They gave guidance about the aim, role, and the importance of cooperative.
On 19th of November 2009, Assakinah Muamalah is officially has legal institution of Syaria Cooperative (Koperasi Syariah) BH: 518.1/BH//XVI/72/103/2008
As a women organization in religious and society parts, Aisyiyah is hoped to be able to show commitment and the role to advance the life of society, especially in helping the poorer and work labour.
With the vision of "managed organization ability and network of activity of family economic using to improve the wealth of society", the economic assembly works in small and middle economic society using and society economic developments.
Some programs of economic assembly are as follows:
1. Develop Bina Usaha Ekonomi Keluarga Aisyiyah (BUEKA) (Aisyiyah Family Economic Business Guidance) and Small Middle Micro Business (UMKM). Now, Aisyiyah has and guide Economy Business Institutions of 1426 spread in region, remote area, and branch in the form of cooperative business (usaha koperasi), agriculture, house industry, small seller/shop and guidance of family economy.
3. Improve the participation of Aisyiyah in defending and strengthening, including advocation towards Indonesian Migrant Workers, especially Female Migrant Workers.
4. Build network with many parties in terms of developing people economy.
5. Doing advocation and protection to customer, etc.
taken from www.aisyiyah.or.id
email: ekonomi@aisyiyah.or.id