Minggu, 09 Agustus 2009


Started with an informal chats with some people who have commitment on Islam economy and headed by The Head of Bank Muamalat Indonesia of Malang branch, Juniar, an idea comes out. The idea is to apply Islam Economy in real condition.

The chat has become a more serious discussion since it has been followed up with the building of BMTs using the financial support from BMI of Malang branch. One of the aims of the existence of BMT is to answer the challenge from some pesimistic, even suspicious economic experts towards Islam Finance Institute which has been clearly written in Koran and hadis, also has given examples in a real life oh Muhammad SAW.

In the end of November 2008, Kopsyah Assakinah (Syaria koperasi) together with all BMTs which have alliance with BMT of Malang branch are as follows:

1. BMT A. Yani Mosque of A. Yani Malang - Ika
2. BMT AMMA Pondok Al-Fadholi (Islamic School of Al-Fadholi) Malang - Witri
3. BMT Assa’adah of PBI Malang - Dina
4. BMT Agriseta Unisma Malang - Pak Joni
5. BMT Aura Pasuruan - dr Ghozali
6. BMT Nurul Jadid ponpes (Islamic School) Nurul Jadid Paiton - Haris Siswanto
7. BMT Al Rifa’i Ponpes modern Gondanglegi - Rofiq
8. BMT SWM Dinoyo Market - Rike
9. BMT ABM Blimbing Malang - Ika
10. BMT Taszakka Situbondo
11 BMT Assalam Kepanjen - Indra

have done meeting at BMT Aura Pasuruan to make joint-venture in the name of Alkamil (Alliance of Islam Micro Financial Institute). This Alkamil is koperasi-based law of East Java with the primary activities of capital sharing, education and training, experience and science. In addition to that, Alkamil has to observe the activity and the financial report of all BMT which has alliance.

On June, 2009, in order to strengthen the branding and identity, it is agreed to replace the name of BMT (Baitul maal wat tamwil) into Baitul Syirkah (Associated House). With this new name, a new Baitul Syirkah has joined, that is Tombo Ati Gadang, LPNU Malang, and Radhiyatus Solohin.

With the existence of Alkamil, every Baitul Syirkah has become a family who will always share and struggle to hold up and develop Islam Economy. Each baitul Syirkah has each strength. Assakinah serves Laptop, A. Yani serves motorcycle, Nurul Jahid is a producer and the producer of mineral water...NJ....etc.

1 komentar:

  1. ass,
    kami menyediakan software khusus untuk lembaga keuangan mikro syariah seperti BMT,KJKS,BQ,KOPSYAH.
    salam sukses
    rahmadi se s.kom

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