Minggu, 09 Agustus 2009


Assakinah Muamalah is one of units of Economy Assembly of PCA UMM that which is aimed to do economic activity which is based on syaria principle and aimed for member of Aisyiyah, especially, and all employee, lecturers, students, and alumni, generally at UMM.

The working program planned on April 2007 was realized on May 2008 with the early activity of MOU ratification with BMI as the management and information technology guide with the financial support of Qordh (good attitude) and a complete computer. The bulding and the existence of Assakinah Muamalah is not apart from the role and support of Hj. Komariah SH, Mhum, MSi. As a chief, some committee and members of PCA UMM, symphatizer, Rector of UMM, Dr. Muhajir Effendy, MPd. who have given a wide moving space for productive activity, Juniar Endrawanto, SE,. as a Head of BMI Branch in Malang which has brilliant ideas and The Head of Aisyiyah Malang, Rukmini who has allowed the existence of Kopsyah and given name Assakinah.

The name of syaria koperasi (cooperative) Assakinah Muamalah East Java is a combination of koperasi (cooperative) names owned by Aisyiyah and Muamalah coming from Bank Muamalat Indonesia. Jatim (East Java) is a region that can be used as target market in doing expansion in the future. The meaning of Assakinah is love and muamalah is down to earth related to economic activity done by following concepts of Islam.

The hope of Kopsyam now and in the future is to become a financial institute similar to the Bank which is based on syaria, the center of training and internship program for students of UMM as preparation of entering working world, the using of economy of Aisyiyah members and Moslem, and can help 8 asnaf.

In addition to that, it may grow in strategic points in East Java that will be held by using alumni in the region that eventually will create alumni independence.

In order to legalize the Kopsyah, Ningki, as a representative of Provincial Cooperative (Koperasi Propinsi) and Juniar of BMI of Malang branch were invited. They gave guidance about the aim, role, and the importance of cooperative.

On 19th of November 2009, Assakinah Muamalah is officially has legal institution of Syaria Cooperative (Koperasi Syariah) BH: 518.1/BH//XVI/72/103/2008

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