Minggu, 06 Desember 2009
Selasa, 24 November 2009
Idhul Adha is defined as qurban holy day which is held every 10 Dzulhijjah. For Moslems who cannot do hajj, they are recommended, according to sunnah to pray Idhul Adha and do qurban afterwards.
The fadhilah of doing qurban is involved in Rasulullah Hadits:
- From Aisyah, Rasulullah states: "There is no other good conduct to be done that is the best on the 10th day of Dzulhijjah, except doing qurban. In the future, the qurban that is slaughtered will be alive again in a perfect condition (fur and the horn), the reward of doing qurban will arrive to Allah before the blood touches the earth and each fur means one good conduct." (HR. Tirmidzi)
- There is no best day for a moslem and more loved by Allah in doing good conduct instead of on the first 10th day of Dzulhijjah. The friends asked: Does it also happen although there is jihad fi sabilillah? He answered, "although jihad fi sabilillah, except if someone goes out for jihad by bringing all he has, then goes back with nothing". (HR. Bukhori, Abu Daud, Ibnu Majah, Tirmidzi)
- For those who have a great fortune but they do not want to do qurban, do not ever get close to our place for praying (sholat) (HR. Ahmad and Ibnu Majah and acknowledged by Al Hakim)
(Source: Sofyan Sofi, LC.)
Related to the big day Idul Adha, 10 Dzulhijjah 1430 H, Assakinah Muamalah celebrates the event by giving qurban of 6 goats with the description as follows:
- 3 goats from: Assakinah Muamalah Probolinggo, Rudhy DC and Alumni of 89 that will be slaughtered on Sunday, 29th of November 2009. Those are given for pedicab driver in Probolinggo.
- goats from: Assakinah Muamalah Malang, Tsabita Khwarazmita and M. Raja Khwarizmi that will be slaughtered on Monday, 30th of November 2009. Those are given for Aisyiyah of Ngantang district.
Senin, 21 September 2009
Alhamdulillah...Allah has given me a great opportunity to meet The Chief of Economy Assembly of PP Muhammadiyah (Majelis Ekonomi PP Muhammadiyah), Anwar Abbas in an open house at BAU UMM, September 20th, 2009. We were very impressed with the Idul Fitri lecture by Anwar Abbas. The new comer, Assakinah Muamalah, East Java needs to learn much from teachers of economic who are highly competent. According to Anwar Abbas, our proposal is going to be handed in to Anwar Abbas soon. Thousands of thanks are given to Anwar Abbas. Hopefully, Anwar Abbas has the merit from Allah. Amien.
Minggu, 06 September 2009
1. Aisyiyah branch (Aisyiyah cabang)
2. Aisyiyah subdivision (Aisyiyah ranting)
3. NA
4. Muhammadiyah branch (Muhammadiyah cabang)
5. Muhammadiyah subdivision (Muhammadiyah Ranting)
6. Muhammadiyah School
7. Lecturer of UMM
8. Student of Unit of Student Activity (UKM)
Facility: Hand out, cofee break, lunch, and certificate
Thank you for the participation.
In addition to that, Assakinah Muamalah serves free service such as:
- The creation of blogspot for all Region, branch, and subdivision (cabang dan ranting) of Muhammadiyah Office in Malang with the purpose of enabling online and quick communication.
- The creation of data base for all activities and members of Muhammadiyah, so that the data needed can be found anytime.
- For those who are willing to join, please contact 0341-5424455
Jumat, 04 September 2009
- Sponsor the first lecture held by students of HMJM and HMJA FE UMM. The sponsor is in the form of graduation account @ Rp 100.000,- for 5 college students. Major and an amount of cash money. The activity aims to get the college students used to do saving since becoming fresh men.
- Giving Ramadhan present from BMM and BMI for 20 Mustahik people. Each had staple foods (sembako) of Rp. 150.000,- and cash . In the ATM SharE, there is Rp. 200.000,- the activity was held at Al Furqon Mosque Jetis Dau Malang. The activity was attended by all Assakinah crews, mosque manager (takmir masjid), Alan as a representative of BMI, Alim as a representative of BMM, participants, and mustahik.
Kamis, 03 September 2009
Rabu, 02 September 2009
For those who are willing to be a cellular creadit refill agent of Assakinah CELL owned by Assakinah Muamalah, Assakinah Muamalah has a service to serve Chip All Operator.
For those who are willing 0314-5424455 or 08123324066
Willingness : opportunity to become an entrepreneur through credit agent
Selasa, 01 September 2009
Senin, 31 Agustus 2009
Alhamdulillah.......the operational of Assakinah is run by college students of UMM, so that they get experience of operational practice of bank system, account officer, accounting, finance report, make communication directly with the heads and employee, especially Bank Muamalat, ALKAMIL, vendors, and make business.
Jumat, 28 Agustus 2009
Alhamdulillah...Bank Muamalat as a bank which is based on syaria has given so much contribution to Assakinah Muamalah and all ALKAMIL members in terms of financing, management, information technology, concept of economic study, and many more.
Those may not happen without the role of the head of Bank Muamalat branch in Malang, Juniar Endrawanto, with his brilliant ideas that have made other BMTs struggle again after going bankrupt. His sincere and friendly attitute has made all the people involved in ALKAMIL confident. It is so because if we go to a bank to meet the head, we have to make proposal, appointment, and wait for months because of complicated bureaucracy, and sometimes we still cannot meet the head. on the contrary, the Head of Bank Muamalat, eventhough we have just met him, it feels like meeting an old friend. We can make appontment by texting or by phone, even getting in and out from his office is fine. He is a very welcome person.
Subhanallah....this kind of attitude is required for the government officials. Amien...
No word can we say except thank you....
Hopefully, your struggle in holding up Islam Economy and Islam lesson gets the merit from Allah SWT. Amien...
Kamis, 27 Agustus 2009
Assakinah Muamalah as a member of ALKAMIL congrats the opening of ENJE MART as one of Nurja Muamalah businesses at Gending, Probolinggo. Hopefully, in the near future, Assakinah may follow its step. Amien...
Thank you for Jun for accompanying us (ALKAMIL) to be more independent.
As information for Alkamil, some of Assakinah friends from some Universities are willing to adopt model and system of management of syaria finance institute as a primary program in their universities, such as Kertanegara University of Tenggarong, East Kalimantan, University of Muhammadiyah Luwuk, Central Sulawesi.
Let's go there! Thank you for all people who are very enthusiastic in developing Islam Economy Syaria. Insya Allah, we will support the Islam Economy Heroes.
Rabu, 19 Agustus 2009
Marhaban Ya Ramadhan
"Marhaban Ya Ramadhan"
Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
Marhaban Ya Ramadhan - Welcome Ramadhan
Pray of Jibril :
"Oh Allah, please ignore the fasting of Muhammad religious people,
if before entering Ramadhan, they do not do things as follows:
- Do not make apology first to parents (if not death) ;
- Do not make apology to husband and wife ;
- Do not apology to the surrounding people.
Then Rasulullah said amien for 3 times.
Can we imagine that the prayer is an angel and the one who said amien is Rasullullah
and his friends, and it was done on Friday.
Minggu, 16 Agustus 2009
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. 3-5 Kuningan Jakarta 12940
Phone: 021-5204366-72 Fax: 021-5204378 Email: datin@depkop.go.id Website: www.depkop.go.id
Jumat, 14 Agustus 2009
The office of Assakinah Muamalah is in one office with Aisyiyah office. It is located in a strategic location, that is on the 1st floor of GKB UMM, the 3rd University. It heads to a bid pond and offices, such as BAA, PR 1, and PMB. The view is very beautiful.
Jl. Raya Tlogomas 246 Malang
Contact: 0341-5424455, 0341-9047525, 081233240066
Aisyiyah held Koran reading at home
Alhamdulillah, there has been 95 Korans sold to Aisyiyah members and the neighbours.
Kamis, 13 Agustus 2009
Ramadhan ya...ramadhan
Alhamdulillah.......Ramadhan will come soon. Assakinah Muamalah of East Java together with ALKAMIL get the trust from BMM (Baitul Muamalah or Baitul Maal of Bank Muamalah Indonesia) to give present for the orphans and the poorer.
As an operational region, Assakinah Muamalah has chosen Elementary School and Junior High School of Muhammadiyah Dau, and Elementary School of Muhammadiyah Batu that has become a building region.
It is a time for us to share and often we have just realized that Ramadhan comes....
So...Who's the next?
Minggu, 09 Agustus 2009
The meeting was attended by the committee, the observer, and members of Assakinah Muamalah with the result of:
The reformation of committee because of the tight schedule of committee Dewi Khaiyuma, AmD. She was replaced by Luluk Asmawati, SPd. Dra. Erna Retna R., MM. was replaced by Villaningrum, SE.
The growing and existence of Assakinah Muamalah requires expert team, that is Syaria Council. The Syaria Council is as follows:
Drs. H. Nurul Humaidi, MAg.
Dra. Hj. Romlah, MAg.
Started with an informal chats with some people who have commitment on Islam economy and headed by The Head of Bank Muamalat Indonesia of Malang branch, Juniar, an idea comes out. The idea is to apply Islam Economy in real condition.
The chat has become a more serious discussion since it has been followed up with the building of BMTs using the financial support from BMI of Malang branch. One of the aims of the existence of BMT is to answer the challenge from some pesimistic, even suspicious economic experts towards Islam Finance Institute which has been clearly written in Koran and hadis, also has given examples in a real life oh Muhammad SAW.
In the end of November 2008, Kopsyah Assakinah (Syaria koperasi) together with all BMTs which have alliance with BMT of Malang branch are as follows:
1. BMT A. Yani Mosque of A. Yani Malang - Ika
2. BMT AMMA Pondok Al-Fadholi (Islamic School of Al-Fadholi) Malang - Witri
3. BMT Assa’adah of PBI Malang - Dina
4. BMT Agriseta Unisma Malang - Pak Joni
5. BMT Aura Pasuruan - dr Ghozali
6. BMT Nurul Jadid ponpes (Islamic School) Nurul Jadid Paiton - Haris Siswanto
7. BMT Al Rifa’i Ponpes modern Gondanglegi - Rofiq
8. BMT SWM Dinoyo Market - Rike
9. BMT ABM Blimbing Malang - Ika
10. BMT Taszakka Situbondo
11 BMT Assalam Kepanjen - Indra
have done meeting at BMT Aura Pasuruan to make joint-venture in the name of Alkamil (Alliance of Islam Micro Financial Institute). This Alkamil is koperasi-based law of East Java with the primary activities of capital sharing, education and training, experience and science. In addition to that, Alkamil has to observe the activity and the financial report of all BMT which has alliance.
On June, 2009, in order to strengthen the branding and identity, it is agreed to replace the name of BMT (Baitul maal wat tamwil) into Baitul Syirkah (Associated House). With this new name, a new Baitul Syirkah has joined, that is Tombo Ati Gadang, LPNU Malang, and Radhiyatus Solohin.
With the existence of Alkamil, every Baitul Syirkah has become a family who will always share and struggle to hold up and develop Islam Economy. Each baitul Syirkah has each strength. Assakinah serves Laptop, A. Yani serves motorcycle, Nurul Jahid is a producer and the producer of mineral water...NJ....etc.
The early operational done by Kopsyah is to open unit of financial service business of BMT Assakinah with maal product (comercial) in terms of the financing of murabahah and the financing of Qord. The financign of murabahah has a joint venture with Jihadi, BMT A.Yani, BMT AMMA and BMT Assa'adah as finance server to purchace laptop for elementary teacher of Muhammadiyah IX Malang and tamwil product (social) in terms of the business development for UMKM. The management of the activity is helped by the college students who are doing internship program and doing the thesis. Those are Aristya Eka and Eka Suprihatin.
After having Koperasi (cooperative)-owned legal institution, kopsyah is able to develop operational activity more freely by collecting finance from the third party (DP3) from Bank Muamalat in the form of bailout of hajj and the management of mudharobah finance, LPM Unibraw, students of UMM and the members. With the support of technology in the form of computerized financial system from BMT Al-Rifa'i and BMI, and the support of part timer from UMM, Irwan and Uswah, has become the operational of Kopsyah similar to the one in the bank.
The place movement from the 2nd floor to the 1st floor of GKB I has become the Kopsyah location strategic and enabled more poeople to be served. Thus, Kopsyah has opened a unit of business of Assakinah which serves snack and has a joint-venture with Coca-cola, selling soft drink. Meanwhile, for the students of UMM, Assakinah Muamalah gives a real business guidance with the primary activity of hiring 4 students as a model. The financing model is mudharobah 30:70, each gets the capital of Rp. 250,000,- for credit selling business which is paid each week for 4 months, so that now the capital has become the capital owned by the students themselves. Next, the capital will be increased into Rp. 500,000,-.
The laptop buying in a big number has become Kopsyah Assakinah trusted to be an official agent from Acer products in Malang on June, 2009, so that it results in Kopsyah to be the only producer for Alkamil members.
As the balancing, Assakinah Muamalah also collects and lines Infaq wiht the model of Qordh/good attitude that is the refund of loan of primary value aimed to buy Syamil Koran and medical fund for sick people. The amount of Infaq is limited. It is not balanced with the needs of customer, so that a harder effort is needed to get bigger infaq.
Alhamdulillah, slowly but sure, the existence of Kopsyah starts to get trust. It is shown by wadiah/the saving of fund of Aisyiyah dormitory building, management laboraturium operational fund, and INWID fund (incubation of business entrepreneur) of Animal Husbandry Faculty for funding and guiding the business of students of the faculty.
The big growth of target market forces Kopsyah to make expansion. The first expansion conducted on 23rd of June, 2009 was Probolinggo, characterized by the consideration of alumni of UMM that have given space for Assakinah Muamalah office. as a consequence, Assakinah has given some amount of money that is to be managed with murabahah and mudharabah model.
Assakinah Muamalah is one of units of Economy Assembly of PCA UMM that which is aimed to do economic activity which is based on syaria principle and aimed for member of Aisyiyah, especially, and all employee, lecturers, students, and alumni, generally at UMM.
The working program planned on April 2007 was realized on May 2008 with the early activity of MOU ratification with BMI as the management and information technology guide with the financial support of Qordh (good attitude) and a complete computer. The bulding and the existence of Assakinah Muamalah is not apart from the role and support of Hj. Komariah SH, Mhum, MSi. As a chief, some committee and members of PCA UMM, symphatizer, Rector of UMM, Dr. Muhajir Effendy, MPd. who have given a wide moving space for productive activity, Juniar Endrawanto, SE,. as a Head of BMI Branch in Malang which has brilliant ideas and The Head of Aisyiyah Malang, Rukmini who has allowed the existence of Kopsyah and given name Assakinah.
The name of syaria koperasi (cooperative) Assakinah Muamalah East Java is a combination of koperasi (cooperative) names owned by Aisyiyah and Muamalah coming from Bank Muamalat Indonesia. Jatim (East Java) is a region that can be used as target market in doing expansion in the future. The meaning of Assakinah is love and muamalah is down to earth related to economic activity done by following concepts of Islam.
The hope of Kopsyam now and in the future is to become a financial institute similar to the Bank which is based on syaria, the center of training and internship program for students of UMM as preparation of entering working world, the using of economy of Aisyiyah members and Moslem, and can help 8 asnaf.
In addition to that, it may grow in strategic points in East Java that will be held by using alumni in the region that eventually will create alumni independence.
In order to legalize the Kopsyah, Ningki, as a representative of Provincial Cooperative (Koperasi Propinsi) and Juniar of BMI of Malang branch were invited. They gave guidance about the aim, role, and the importance of cooperative.
On 19th of November 2009, Assakinah Muamalah is officially has legal institution of Syaria Cooperative (Koperasi Syariah) BH: 518.1/BH//XVI/72/103/2008
As a women organization in religious and society parts, Aisyiyah is hoped to be able to show commitment and the role to advance the life of society, especially in helping the poorer and work labour.
With the vision of "managed organization ability and network of activity of family economic using to improve the wealth of society", the economic assembly works in small and middle economic society using and society economic developments.
Some programs of economic assembly are as follows:
1. Develop Bina Usaha Ekonomi Keluarga Aisyiyah (BUEKA) (Aisyiyah Family Economic Business Guidance) and Small Middle Micro Business (UMKM). Now, Aisyiyah has and guide Economy Business Institutions of 1426 spread in region, remote area, and branch in the form of cooperative business (usaha koperasi), agriculture, house industry, small seller/shop and guidance of family economy.
3. Improve the participation of Aisyiyah in defending and strengthening, including advocation towards Indonesian Migrant Workers, especially Female Migrant Workers.
4. Build network with many parties in terms of developing people economy.
5. Doing advocation and protection to customer, etc.
taken from www.aisyiyah.or.id
email: ekonomi@aisyiyah.or.idKamis, 06 Agustus 2009
1. Bank Muamalat Indonesia cabang Malang sebagai penyokong dana utama
2. LPM Unibraw sebagai penyokong dana
3. JPMI (Jaringan Pengusaha Muslim Indonesia) sebagai mitra
4. Acer point Malang sebagai vendor komputer dan laptop
5. Bank Muamalat Indonesia Surabaya sebagai pensupport EDC
6. FAPET UMM sebagai support dana program INWUB
7. Mahasiswa Jurusan Manajemen konsentrasi Operasi dan Akuntansi FE UMM sebagai binaan
8. Alkamil (Aliansi Lembaga Keuangan Mikro Islam) dalam sharing manajemen, teknologi informasi, dana dan lain-lain
9. Karyawan PLTU Paiton sebagai mitra yang menggunakan branding Assakinah Muamalah
10 RSI Aisyiyah Malang sebagai pemilik KBIH
11. Coca-cola sebagai vendor softdrink
12. SD Muhammadiyah IX, SD/SMP Muhammadiyah Dau dan SD Muhammadiyah Batu
13. Asuransi Takaful sebagai mitra asuransi bagi nasabah
14. BMM (Baitul Maal Muamalat) sebagai support dana Qordh untuk bisalurkan kepada UMKM, fakir miskin dan yatim piatu
15. Pusat pulsa sebagai agen pulsa
Selasa, 23 Juni 2009
Haji Portion Bailout. The Hajj pilgrim can propose funding for hajj with the requirement of paying administration fund of Rp. 1,500,000,-, opening arofah account of Rp. 1,100,000,-, ATM sharE of Rp. 500,000,-, Assakinah saving account of Rp. 375,000,-, and "materai" stamp of Rp. 25,000,-. The amount of maximum funding is Rp. 19,000,000,-. It is to be refunded in a year with the amount of the primary amount (qordh)
Qordh Funding is intended for UKM with the amount of Rp. 500,000,- to Rp. 1,000,000,- and for sick people/ poeple who gets accident with maximum amount of Rp. 3,000,000,- and it is paid for 10 months with the amount the same as teh primary amount without giving the result division. The source of the fund is from Qordh fund of Bank Muamalat.
Mudharabah Funding is the funding for business with the system of result division of 50%:50%. For the mean time, it is intended for students who do credit refill business.
Murabahah Funding/buy and sell is where kopsyah serves the order from various things needed by customer and kopsyah will buy and pay cash to vendor, while the customer can pay to kopsyah maximally for three years. Thus, Kopsyah has gain administration and margnial benefit. The funding that is done is to buy: computer, printer, laptop, handphone, house construction and renovation material, etc, with the total amount of Rp. 600,000,000,-
Wadiah is an activity done by customer by saving an amount of money that can be withdrawn anytime.
Saving: assakinah, hikmah, qurban, idul fitri, etc.
Infaq, shodaqoh and zakat (alms): receive infaq, shodaqoh, and zakat (alms)
Muamalah club is syirkah for alumni with the early saving of Rp. 100,000,-.
Syirkah for students in which students can invest of Rp. 10,000,- and will get result division.
Graduation Saving is a saving account for students that can only be withdrawn when the graduation ceremony begins. The minimum saving account is Rp. 10,000,-.
As a requirement to fulfill the cooperative building rules, Kopsyah has committee as follows:
Head: Dra. Fien Zulfikarijah, MM., Secretary: Luluk Asmawati, S.Pd. -, Treasurer: Villaningrum, SE.. , Observer: Hj. Komariah, SH. Msi. Mhum., DR. Lili Zalizar, drh., MS., Juniar Endrawanto, SE., Organisator: Dra. Fien Zulfikarijah, MM. Irwan Sa’ban (Manajer and Account officer) and Uswatun Hasanah (worksheet)
Vission : Implement Islam Economic Practice in campus area
Mission : a) Make the Financial Institute - syaria based similar to bank
b) Make it into the center of training, research, and service for people in academical environment.
c) Serve competent people who are ready to enter the work world.
d) Make it into the top of holding network with company.
The fact shows that Indonesian people who are almost 80% moslem are still in back line in terms of economical problem. This results in a question: What is going on? We often talk, discuss, and have debate on Islam economical problems only as a view, while practically, we often neglect those problems.
Islam economy is one of ways to fulfill the needs of someone or a group which is based on: hajat needs, halal, thayyib, fair, and sincere (al-Jawziyyah:14), merit of Allah, wealth and wisdom. The basic of syaria is wisdom and benefit of human in the world and Hereafter.
Islam Economy as a logical consequence from the perfection of Islam must be trusted in kafah way and comprehensive by moslem.
Viewing on the lesson of Islam, that is implementing Islam economical concept in economical activity has proven to be able to save the economy, human being, and able to guide human in a fair justice.
According to Badrun (2007;36) distribute justice is the fair requirement on opportunity and social justice. Therefore, moslems should not do any economical activity which is completely different from Islam lesson.
So, What happens with the banking that has become a part in Indonesia Moslem Economical Activity? In accordance with MUI fatwa on 16 December 2003 that states that bank interest rate practice has become riba (interest), so it is the time for Moslem to move to Islam Bank.
The Sharia Banking asset in East Java towards the common bank is still low. Until December 2007, it still reached 1.33%. While the Sharia Banking Asses towards national is 6.12% (Kompas 20/2/08). Are we in the group of 1.33% in East Java or 6.12% in Indonesia? Hopefully we are, Amien.
As a responsive action and follow up of working program of Aisyiyah Economic Assembly which has been decided by Central Aisyiyah, basically directs to the building of institute that facilitates the economical activities in Aisyiyah members with the aim of moslem economy development, Aisyiyah Economic Assembly, special branch of UMM has owned Sharia Cooperative-legal institution based with one of the units is sharia micro finance institute of Baitul Syirkah Assakinah (BSA).
Rabu, 06 Mei 2009
Perkembangan Ekonomi Syariah di Indonesia dan Kontribusinya Bagi Pembangunan Nasional
March 24, 2009 · No Comments
oleh Nuruddin Mhd Ali, MA, M.Sc
Urgensi Berekonomi Secara Islami
Dalam pandangan Islam, manusia merupakan khalifah Allah SWT di muka bumi (QS. 2:30). Allah SWT menciptakan bumi dan segala isinya untuk manusia (QS. 2:29) dan memberi kebebasan kepada manusia untuk mengelola sumber daya ekonomi yang tersedia di alam untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya dan membangun peradaban manusia ke arah yang lebih baik.
Manusia diberi kebebasan untuk mengelola sumber daya ekonomi dan melakukan transaksi perekonomian sesama mereka (muamalah). Mengenai muamalah (kegiatan ekonomi) tersebut terdapat kaidah fiqh yang menyatakan bahwa “Hukum ashal (awal/asli) dari muamalah adalah boleh (mubah) sampai ada dalil yang menyatakan sebaliknya. Artinya, segala kegiatan ekonomi yang dilakukan oleh manusia diperbolehkan asalkan tidak bertentangan dengan dalil-dalil nash (Al-Quran dan sunnah) dan tujuan-tujuan syariah dalam perekonomian.
Tujuan-tujuan kegiatan ekonomi tersebut dapat dirumuskan menjadi 4 macam. Pertama, kegiatan ekonomi atau muamalah bertujuan untuk memperoleh kesejahteraan ekonomi dalam batas-batas norma-norma moral Islami (QS. 2:60, 168, 172; 6:142; 7:31, 160; 16:114; 20:81; 23:51; 34:15; 67:15). Kedua, tatanan ekonomi yang diusahakan bertujuan untuk membina persaudaraan dan menegakkan keadilan universal (QS. 49:13). Ketiga, distribusi pendapatan yang seimbang. Islam mempunyai komitmen yang tinggi terhadap persaudaraan manusia dan keadilan.. Keempat, tatanan ekonomi dalam Islam bertujuan untuk mewujudkan kebebasan manusia dalam konteks kesejahteraan social (QS. 7:157).
Perkembangan Ekonomi Syariah di Indonesia
Secara sederhana, perkembangan itu dikelompokkan menjadi perkembangan industri keuangan syariah dan perkembangan ekonomi syariah non keuangan. Industri keuangan syariah relatif dapat dilihat dan diukur perkembangannya melalui data-data keuangan yang ada, sedangkan yang non keuangan perlu penelitian yang lebih dalam untuk mengetahuinya.
Di sektor perbankan, hingga saat ini sudah ada tiga Bank Umum Syariah (BUS), 21 unit usaha syariah bank konvensional, 528 kantor cabang (termasuk Kantor Cabang Pembantu (KCP), Unit Pelayanan Syariah (UPS), dan Kantor Kas (KK)), dan 105 Bank Pengkreditan Rakyat Syariah (BPRS). Aset perbankan syariah per Maret 2007 lebih dari Rp. 28 triliun dengan jumlah Dana Pihak Ketiga (DPK) hampir mencapai 22 Triliun. Meskipun asset perbankan syariah baru mencapai 1,63 persen dan dana pihak ketiga yang dihimpun baru mencapai 1,64% dari total asset perbankan nasional (per Februari 2007), namun pertumbuhannya cukup pesat dan menjanjikan. Diproyeksikan, pada tahun 2008, share industri perbankan syariah diharapkan mencapai 5 persen dari total industri perbankan nasional.
Di sektor pasar modal, produk keuangan syariah seperti reksa dana dan obligasi syariah juga terus meningkat. Sekarang ini terdapat 20 reksa dana syariah dengan jumlah dana kelola 638,8 miliar rupiah. Jumlah obligasi syariah sekarang ini mencapai 17 buah dengan nilai emisi mencapai 2,209 triliun rupiah.
Di sektor saham, pada tanggal 3 Juli 2000 BEJ meluncurkan Jakarta Islamic Index (JII). JII yang merupakan indeks harga saham yang berbasis syariah terdiri dari 30 saham emiten yang dianggap telah memenuhi prinsip-prinsip syariah. Data pada akhir Juni 2005 tercatat nilai kapitalisasi pasar sebesar Rp325,90 triliun atau 43% dari total nilai kapitalisasi pasar di BEJ. Sementara itu, volume perdagangan saham JII sebesar 348,9 juta lembar saham atau 39% dari total volume perdagangan saham dan nilai perdagangan saham JII sebesar Rp322,3 miliar atau 42% dari total nilai perdagangan saham. Peranan pemerintah yang sangat ditunggu-tunggu oleh pelaku keuangan syariah di Indonesia adalah penerbitan Undang-undang Perbankan Syariah dan Undang-undang Surat Berharga Negara Syariah (SBSN).
Di sektor asuransi, hingga Agustus 2006 ini sudah lebih 30 perusahaan yang menawarkan produk asuransi dan reasuransi syariah. Namun, market share asuransi syariah belum baru sekitar 1% dari pasar asuransi nasional. Di bidang multifinance pun semakin berkembang dengan meningkatnya minat beberapa perusahaan multifinance dengan pembiayaan secara syariah. Angka-angka ini diharapkan semakin meningkat seiiring dengan meningkatnya permintaan dan tingkat imbalan (rate of return) dari masing-masing produk keuangan syariah.
Di sektor mikro, perkembangannya cukup menggembirakan. Lembaga keuangan mikro syariah seperti Baitul Mal wa Tamwil (BMT) terus bertambah, demikian juga dengan aset dan pembiayaan yang disalurkan. Sekarang sedang dikembangkan produk-produk keuangan mikro lain semisal micro-insurance dan mungkin micro-mutual-fund (reksa dana mikro).
Sisi Non-Keuangan
Industri keuangan syariah adalah salah satu bagian dari bangunan ekonomi syariah. Sama halnya dengan ekonomi konvensional, bangunan ekonomi syariah juga mengenal aspek makro maupun mikro ekonomi. Namun, yang lebih penting dari itu adalah bagaimana masyarakat dapat berperilaku ekonomi secara syariah seperti dalam hal perilaku konsumsi, giving behavior (kedermawanan), dan sebagainya. Perilaku bisnis dari para pengusaha Muslim pun termasuk dalam sasaran gerakan ekonomi syariah di Indonesia.
Walau terlihat agak lambat, namun sisi non-keuangan dalam kegiatan ekonomi ini juga semakin berkembang. Hal ini ditandai semakin meningkatnya kesadaran masyarakat terhadap perilaku konsumsi yang Islami, tingkat kedermawanan yang semakin meningkat ditandai oleh meningkatnya dana zakat, infaq, waqaf, dan sedekah yang berhasil dihimpun oleh badan dan lembaga pengelola dana-dana tersebut.
Faktor Pendorong
Perkembangan ekonomi syariah di Indonesia tidak terlepas dari beberapa faktor pendorong. Secara sederhana, faktor-faktor itu dkelompokkan menjadi faktor eksternal dan internal.
Faktor eksternal adalah penyebab yang datang dari luar negeri, berupa perkembangan ekonomi syariah di negara-negara lain, baik yang berpenduduk mayoritas Muslim maupun tidak. Negara-negara tersebut telah mengembangkan ekonomi syariah setelah timbulnya kesadaran tentang perlunya identitas baru dalam perekonomian mereka. Kesadaran ini kemudian ’mewabah’ ke negara-negara lain dan akhirnya sampai ke Indonesia.
Sedangkan faktor internal antara lain adalah kenyataan bahwa Indonesia ditakdirkan menjadi negara dengan jumlah penduduk Muslim terbesar di dunia. Fakta ini menimbulkan kesadaran di sebagian cendikiawan dan praktisi ekonomi tentang perlunya suatu ekonomi yang sesuai dengan nilai-nilai Islam dijalankan oleh masyarakat Muslim di Indonesia.
Di samping itu, faktor politis juga turut bermain. Membaiknya ”hubungan” Islam dan negara menjelang akhir milineum lalu membawa angin segar bagi perkembangan ekonomi dengan prinsip syariah.
Meningkatnya keberagamaan masyarakat juga menjadi faktor pendorong berkembangan ekonomi syariah di Indonesia. Munculnya kelas menengah Muslim perkotaan yang terdidik dan relijius membawa semangat dan harapan baru bagi industri keuangan syariah. Mereka mempunyai kesadaran bahwa agama bukan sekedar shalat, puasa, dan ibadah-ibadah mahdah lainnya saja. Tetapi, agama harus diterapkan secara kafah (holistik) dalam setiap aspek kehidupan termasuk dalam berekonomi.
Faktor berikutnya adalah pengalaman bahwa sistem keuangan syariah tampak cukup kuat menghadapi krisis moneter tahun 1997-1998. Bank syariah masih dapat berdiri kokoh ketika ”badai” itu menerpa dan merontokkan industri keuangan di Indonesia.
Di samping itu, faktor rasionalitas bisnis pun turut membesarkan ekonomi syariah. Bagi kelompok masyarakat yang tidak cukup dapat menerima sistem keuangan syariah berdasarkan ikatan emosi (personal attachment) terhadap Islam, faktor keuntungan menjadi pendorong mereka untuk terjun ke bisnis syariah.
Implikasi Bagi Perkembagan Ekonomi Nasional
Setidaknya ada 3 hal yang menjadi sumbangan ekonomi syariah bagi ekonomi nasional. Pertama, ekonomi syariah memberikan andil bagi perkembangan sektor riil. Pengharaman terhadap bunga bank dan spekulasi mengharuskan dana yang dikelola oleh lembaga-lembaga keuangan syariah disalurkan ke sektor riil.
Kedua, ekonomi syariah lewat industri keuangan syariah turut andil dalam menarik investasi luar negeri ke Indonesia, terutama dari negara-negara Timur-tengah. Adanya berbagai peluang investasi syariah di Indonesia, telah menarik minat investor dari negara-negara petro-dollar ini untuk menanamkan modalnya di Indonesia. Minat mereka terus berkembang dan justru negara kita yang terkesan tidak siap menerima kehadiran mereka karena berbagai ’penyakit akut’ yang tidak investor friendly, seperti rumitnya birokrasi, faktor keamanan, korupsi, dan sebagainya.
Ketiga, gerakan ekonomi syariah mendorong timbulnya perilaku ekonomi yang etis di masyarakat Indonesia. Ekonomi syariah adalah ekonomi yang berpihak kepada kebenaran dan keadilan dan menolak segala bentuk perilaku ekonomi yang tidak baik seperti sistem riba, spekulasi, dan ketidakpastian (gharar).
Note: Artikel lawas, beberapa data dan perkembangan belum diupdate seperti perkembangan industri keuangan syariah terakhir dan UU Sukuk dan Perbankan Syariah yang sekarang sudah disahkan